Greetings to everyone,
My name is Flicker. If you have been to this website before, I have some very bad news. I have permanantly closed down The Realm of Occultic Wisdom. Though it has spread out to 83% of the internet search engines and it has been awarded many honors, I must close it down...
I simply do not have the time or energy anymore to keep up with my page. The Angelic Realm and Dark Arts pages were completed but never officially opened. Other pages such as The Realm of the Goddess were never even created. Between all of my responsibilities, it is just not fathimable to keep this website open any longer.
For all of you who got here hoping to find an array of information on the occult, whether it be by friend, mailing list, or search engine...I am extremely sorry to disappoint you. I have unpublished most all of my websites including my main site and most of my subsites. All of those not closed down are unknown to the public.
As always, I will continue to answer any and all questions geared towards me. I have extensive knowledge in all areas of the occult including witchcraft, wicce, dark magick, light magick, ceremonial magick, high magick, dimensional magick, astral magick, and demonic magick...please just give me an e-mail anytime and I will be sure to answer you.
I have, of course, closed down the polls, guest book, and message boards. However, I have left a select few websites open for viewing. One of which, because of it's amazing success, is The Awards Page and my Hall of Honor so that my awards do not go unrewarded...
Beyond that, there is not much else that I have left open. However, for reference and catalogueing purposes, all of my pages are accessible by me, and by others with a password that I will give out at my discretion.
Two last pages that I have left open because of their amazing information The Spiritual Realm and The High Arts Thank you so much to all of my supporters and I wish you all peace and harmony.
Blessings with love and tranquility,