Greetings to all, and welcome to the awards section of The Realm of Occultic Wisdom. Here, you can apply for one or more of my website awards for occultic excellence. They are each specialized and unique and should not be taken lightly. I will only award those websites which I feel fit. Those who earn my awards will have their place here as a monument to their success. Congratulations to those who are award veterans and good luck to those who are newcomers. I wish you all the best of luck here.

This category is my most prized. It includes all websites. More specifically, it includes websites having to do with witchcraft, wicca, paganism, high magick, metaphysics, paranormal activity, etc. This is the hardest of the awards to win. I will, most likely, only give out a maximum of two a month. This award will require (from me) an in depth look at your website. I will be looking for things such as content, reliability, creativity, originality, sources, graphics, and much more. You will have to have a genuinely wonderful site to earn this award. Please apply for this one responsibly.
 This category is quite simple and quite obvious. Any site, whether occultic or otherwise, with good information on angels and all things angelic will be considered here. This includes Christian sites about angels...though I'd be suprised if Christians were looking around on this site, but nevertheless. Also, angelic graphics are welcome. I would hope that anyone applying for this award would have a well put together site with a mix of information, graphics, and personal imput, so keep that in mind when you are applying.
 This category is strictly for websites on the Goddess of the moon. This can include Goddess information, rituals, chants, and prayers. This can also include Goddess graphics and personal Goddess experiences and stories. I will also allow websites on deities to be considered for this award, but they must be superb. I am reserving this award, mainly, for Goddess-based websites. Again, reluctantly, I will also allow for websites on the moon and on astrology in this section because of their close relation with the Goddess...but for this award, unlike the last, it must be occultic. Please do not send me a moon phase site and expect to get anything... )O(
 This award is for sites attributed to the darker side of magick. This includes sites having to do with satanism, demons, demon worship, vampires, vampirism, black magick, dark ritual, etc. To gain this award, your website should have a certain darkness to it. I know this sounds kind of morbid, but it is the category. I will not accept any type of gothic or death-related websites. These things offend and sicken me, so I will not allow them. Otherwise, this award is not unbelievably hard to attain.
 This category is no longer a weekly "event". I have decided that this award takes a more in depth look at things and there are not enough worthy websites for once a week...This award includes paintings, drawings, html graphics, beautiful website designs, poetry, song writing, etc. This award is a hard one to far as originality is concerned. There are some websites that exhibit excellence in this area, and they will be recognized. This award can be traced both to The Pagan Hall of Honor and to The Realm of the Arts . All who win this award are truly blessed. I am, as I believe some of you know, an artist...I paint and sculpt...I am also a pianist and a "closet poet". So, I know what it takes to put forth good product and I commend you!!
***I would like to thank Montserrat at The Sacred Feminine for assisting me with this awards design and for allowing me full access to her wonderful paintings for both this awards section and for The Realm of the Arts. You are truly a talented artist and I hope to see some of your future works. I am honored to bestow upon you the first Serenity Award***
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