There is a lot of controversy on the story of creation. Christians have two, the story of Adam and Eve, and the story of the seven days. However, the Wiccan creation is quite different. I'm sure most of you have seen the movie "Star Wars". Well, in this movie, there's something called the force. The force is inside of everything and everyone. It engulfs every bit of space, and it surrounds it completely. This concept is very true. In Wicca, it is called the source of Odin. This source of Odin is the basis of all magick. Magick, in fact, is bending this source and using it to your advantage. In a meditative state, some advanced Wiccans can see this force. It is like a glowing cloud...a fog that is everywhere. The cloud is thickest around Wiccans and other magicians. This is because they have more strength and power in their horas.
Anyways, from the source of Odin came forth the Goddess. The Goddess, in turn, wanted and needed for companionship. Therefore, she created the God. Then, the Goddess molded and formed the different dimensions and realms into existance. Next, the Goddess created the high archy of gods and goddesses, followed by the low archy. All other dieties and mystickal creatures were then created by the gods and goddesses. However, after the Goddess created all things, she was still unsatisfied. She used the powers of the sources to create all of humankind and the animals to roam the planet of the lower astral plane. The humans were created to gain wisdom and knowledge, and to one day, return and be reunited with their creators. The humans' emotions and desires would be, in part, swayed by the power of the sources.
There are two sources. The source of all good, and the source of all evil. They are absalute and complete. They have no form or gender. They have always been, and will always be. They reside no where and everywhere. They are not gods, but beyond them. They are beyond all things. The first evil and the first good are all knowing and all telling. They work through actions and feelings. Together, they are referred to as "mannah", a norse word meaning "all things in all times". The sources are a mystery of sourts. They cannot be manifested, invoked, or summoned. They just are...
This is the will and testimony of the gods.