Long ago, when the Old Religion returned from its decline, the ancients were a mystery to all people. I will tell you the story of these magickal and mystickal people in its entirety. You may think that this is too hollywoody, but this is how it was. This is how the Goddess willed it to be...
Centuries ago, there was an era called the time of Odin. In this era, all were magickal. The power of magick flourished and thrived. This was, however, on both sides...lightness and darkness. The witches then (known by us today as the ancients) had extraordinary power. They could control and manipulate the powers of Odin at will, and at a much higher level. They had any one of many powers, if not more than one. Some of the things they could do are as follows:
telekinesis - the moving of objects with one mind
kirokinesis - the causing of the ground to shake (miniquake) at one's will, usually out of distress or anger
levitation - the power to float above the ground, five feet at its highest level
dimensional shifting - the ability to move from one dimension to another at will
conjuration of the elements - the skill to be able to call upon and invoke the elements at will, for example, causing the winds to churn, or manifesting fire
advanced psychism - the ability to read and control one's mind and actions
thickened air - causing the air to thicken at will, causing a forcefield like atmosphere...the chant for this was "I call the airs so thick like soup, let hours hang and minutes droop, protection I do ask of thee, and strengthened air I do here plee"
As you all know, we do not have these powers today (damn). During the era of Odin, the dimensions and planes bled together. Creatures and witches could pass through them at will. As a result, fairies, dragons, and spirits could roam the earth. Elementals were visible because the presence of all worlds were manifested in this one. However, the darkness reigned as well. Vampires and demons were concocted by dark witches and magicians. These witches had the same powers, but used them is black ways. They also learned such things as the invokations of serpents and lightning. There was a great battle stirring between all things.
Nevertheless, it was a mystickal time. The Goddess kept peace and happiness where she could. But those that were above her were called. The sources were summoned by that which is, the powers that be. The only time in all time that the sources manifested into semi-physical forms was here. It was in an astral temple of Odin in a dimension that is blocked off at all times except this one. The met there, with the great one presiding in the only way possible. The source was present there in its fullest consentration. This, also, was a one and only deal. The sources aggreed that magick would destroy all things if it were not contained. When the aggreement was made, all was. It was as if it had always been. There was no transition or change...it just was. I know this is confusing. Sorry... : (
Now, the creatures were banished to seperate realms, locked by the essences of the Goddess and God. The gods and goddesses were made present but invisible. The demons and angels returned to that place where they belonged. All magick was disabled. The ancients faded into humanity, not knowing what they once were. The era of Odin was ended.
Then, one rebelious goddess, named Hecate, freed the potential of magick. It was not discovered for eons. But when it was, it was used to the fullest amount allowed. What we have today is a fraction of what the ancients had. Telekinesis is nonexistant compared to that which the ancients posessed. Other powers are mimmiced, but not whole. Some have even disappeared altogether (kirokinesis, thickened air). The power of the ancients, however, lives on. Those high magicians powerful enough, summoned and conjured that power, not to use, but to learn. And this is how we know what we do today. This is the story of the ancient ones... |