There are three main types of crafts. They are all equally powerful, equally challenging, and equally important. They are all also extremely difficult to master. I will go into an indepth description of each, starting with the least challenging and moving to the most. I would suggest, for those of you looking to master them, that you start with the first, become and intermediate, then move through the other two getting a good feel for them. Once you are past the novice stage on each, focus on the first and master it!! Then move to the second and third. I am yet to master all three but I hope I can help you do so...
Mental Craft
The mind is an extremely complex thing. It is both powerful and dangerous. Mental powers include intuition, senses, and the beginning of psychism. Psychism, of course, is the next step. A mental crafter (my own word, I do that sometimes) is someone who can direct thoughts into someone...not evil ones of course...but it is possible. They can also predict things and sort of make them happen. For instance, I like this one, you can be watching a basketball game (in person) and focus on a player. Close your eyes and try to see through their eyes. You can focus on their thoughts. With your eyes closed, try to see them, or rather their astral self, and focus on it. Say encouraging things in your mind and watch as they do better and better. A more simple thing to do would be to focus on the ball, and when it is shot for the basket, choose whether it goes in or not. Once you practice enough, you will "be right" every time. Some spells I have for this are an Obey My Will Spell and an Emotion Evokation Ritual. E-mail me using the link at the bottom of the page to request these. The Obey My Will Spell is a spell that you perform to enhance all of your powers, including your mental power. This spell enhances your effectiveness by allowing you to control things at the sound of a word. For instance, you're watching a basketball game and they shoot, you say "in" and it will happen. Or, in the physical sense (much more challenging) you could say "trip" and a player would. Using magickal languages such as latin improves this spell. Things like "protect", "harm", "open" and "close" will be commonly used so you should memorize the latin equivalents of these words. Emotion Evokations are visualizing an emotion enter into someone. I won't go into too much detail because there are no words or phrases involved, so this extremely risky spell could be mimiced.
Psychic Craft
Psychic Crafts are mostly high magicks. For this, see my High Magicks page on the main website. I won't go into too much detail on psychic crafts because they are so irrelevant to Wicca. However, psychic craft is the power of others' minds. You can read people's minds, coincide with them, or speak through them. Psychic craft is also used in the summoning of spirits to channel their power through you.
Physical Craft
Again, and more so, physical crafts are mostly high magicks. Things such as telekinesis, levitation, and invokation. Also, things such as astral traveling and dimensional shifting. Again, the Obey My Will Spell is a good one for advanced physical crafters.