There are many paths of practicing magick. I will briefly explain and describe each for you. Remember, you can be more than one of these:
A Pagan is described as someone who acknowledges the existance of and worships an array of ancient non-Christian gods and goddesses. A strict Pagan, who practices no other path, does not use magick in any way. However, there are very few Pagans who do not have any other spiritual path in life.
A Witch is someone who practices magick. Witches practice both white and black magicks. The dark arts are open territories for Witches. However, a moral Witch does not practice black magick. Witches do not follow the law of power or the threefold law.
A Wiccan is a Witch. This is a common misperception. However, Wiccans follow the Wiccan Rede (threefold law) and the law of power. Therefore, Wiccans are not supposed to practice the dark arts. However, many do. Black magicks are described as magicks that manipulate, control, or bend the powers that be to your own advantage. Healing magicks, thus, are dark. Many Wiccans practice them, however.
Black Magick
A Black Magician is a practicer of the dark arts. Black Magicians usually deal in voodoo, curses, hexes, or the summoning and invokation of demons, angels, or other mystickal dieties (not godly) along with spirits and elementals. Black Magicians are usually very secret and personal and thus do not have many books or guides to aid them.
High Magick
High Magicians are very strong and powerful. They deal in things such as dream recall, hypnotism, atral travel, time travel, telekinesis, psychism, and the invokation and summoning of gods, goddesses, dragons, fairies, elementals, spirits, demons, angels, and other creatures. High Magicians, when advanced enough, can even deal in mind control.
Satanism is often a misunderstood religion. Satanists neither worship nor believe in the existance of Satan. They worship the idea of Satan. They worship the embracing of sin, a human quality. Christians cover up sin and hide it, whereas Satanists yearn for it. They acknowledge desire, lust, and gluttony. They worship human identity, and believe in no higher power. They believe in to creatures or dieties except humans and earthly animals. They believe in neither heaven nor hell. They do not acknowledge the existance of any other realms or existance. They don't believe in resurrection, reincarnation, or the spirit realm. They believe that death is the end of a spirit's existance. Satanistic rituals only involve minor, simple magicks.
Demon Worship
Demon Worshipers are evil and dark. They invoke and summon demons from hell dimensions to do their biddings. They are powerful and manipulative. They are the darkest of all people....and very close to the most powerful as well.